
Caeregen Therapeutics is developing a revolutionary approach to reverse capillary and neuron loss in both inherited and acquired retinal disease. We are aiming to repair cellular junctions and transmembrane leakage, regenerate neuronal and capillary cells, and protect against capillary and neuronal damage and loss.

Norrin has been shown to be effective in the widely accepted animal models of disease by several highly respected investigators. While retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is clearly distinct from retinal venous occlusion (RVO), the mouse model of ROP is the most widely used model to evaluate vascular consequences of retinal vascular ischemia – providing the rationale for studying the properties of Norrin/Noregen in this model. We wanted to know if Norrin could rescue eyes once retinopathy occurs. – Caeregen Therapeutics Lab: Oakland University



Vision and Retinal Disease Programs

Inherited Diseases: Familial Exudative Vitreoretinopathy (FEVR)

Caeregen Therapeutics development program for Noregen consists of completion of IND enabling studies to support United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicines Agency (EMA) filing for initiation of clinical testing in patients afflicted with FEVR.  A Phase 1a/b Dose Escalation Study is envisioned, with the potential for a dose-expansion study based on initial findings.  Following completion of Phase 1a/b and/or expansion study enrollment, initiation of a potential FEVR compassionate access protocol will be explored, if supported by initial Phase 1a/b study results, to afford access for eligible patients with no other treatment options.

Acquired Disease: Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO)

The Noregen program in the area of RVO consists of completion of IND enabling studies to support United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicines Agency (EMA) filing for initiation of clinical testing in patients afflicted with RVO.  A Phase 1a/b Dose Escalation Study is envisioned, with the potential for a dose-expansion study based on initial findings.  Following completion of Phase 1a/b and/or expansion study enrollment, initiation of a potential, RVO compassionate access protocol will be explored, if supported by initial Phase 1a/b study results, to afford access for eligible patients with no other treatment options

Our Science

As a company dedicated to pursuit of regenerative medicine approaches for sensory-related diseases, Caeregen Therapeutics applies leading-edge science and technologies to the discovery and development of novel therapies to repair, restore, and protect diseased or damaged sensory and neurologic structures.